Weekend Links - Information Warfare and Brave New Worlds
Piglets! Once again all my love and apologies for my abandonment. I’m still figuring out how to make this pivot to a new space work best, but my personal life admin is a shocking wreck right now. The first long weekend of the year notwithstanding, my house is a wreck and my professional life’s demands are still too heavy. But I need to write to stay sane so here, have a nice meaty dump of links as my penance to you.
Aunty C loves you!
Things have not gone well for Russia and the human cost is at about 1.5m refugees so far.
The sheer lack of consequences continues to stress and vex me.
Information warfare in real time is something that I don’t think the human brain is actually physically able to process. We are not built for this.
Speaking of! My god, words cannot express how grateful I am to have been married stupid young and before current internet dating was a thing. The more I hear of it and learn the more I’m amazing anyone is able to make any kind of stable relationship at all work!
Case in point, the very real threat of the “splinternet.” Cheesy portmanteau, actually scary concept.
Actually hilarious to watch all these topics and of-the-moment crises collide with one another like this.
The archaeology news this week has been fantastic.
Meanwhile, femininity has always been performance art, and loungewear has always been revolutionary.
Honestly the dress historians are just knocking it out of the park recently and I. Am. Thrilled.
This story is fascinating. If you’re at all interested in media, power, and influence, it’s a must read.
Well, ain’t this just wholesome!
And here’s your pretty for the weekend: