Weekend Links
Your weekend reading bunch has arrived, ducklings!
Shocking! Fat Bear Week was rocked by a cheating scandal before a winner was crowned. Is nothing sacred?!
Yes, for the love of god, I have seen the Bella Hadid Dress Thing. Stop sending it to me. All whinging aside there is actually something interesting to unpick here. Like the Will Smith Slap, this kind of went everywhere immediately, though thankfully the meme cycle let this fade more organically. It was exactly what fashion/style coverage and also online culture salivates for in these fickle times: A Moment. But the fact that it did actually fade so quickly is also interesting because the time, technology, creativity and money that went into creating it actually only bought it above the fold relevance for a very short time.
Report back, kittens, has anyone explored this?! I need info!
It’s grim to admit but the anti-abortion activists have a much better grip on the optics of the debate. Literally. A well-known and significant weapon in their arsenal is haunting visuals of fetuses in various stages of development—almost none of them accurately representative of the procedure. It’s not supposed to be. But I wish we had fought images with images better. Like the insidious “both sides-ism” of climate change, the debate is not actually equivalent and we have ceded the actual question (this is stand along human life) to the opposition before the event itself by allowing them to set the visual terms of the debate.
What fast food costs across a very, very large country.
The most compelling exhibition review I’ve read in a while, and I’m longing to see this collection now.
The only solace I have had in the recent tomfoolery of British politics (something I should write about more if I can find the right hook), has been the parody Twitter account of Larry the Cat. Who is Larry you ask?
The herpes of the craft world, the bane of parents and teachers, the gift that keeps on giving! But what IS glitter?
“What is the purpose of the luxury industry in unsteady, troubling times?”
The internet is in its 30s now…and let’s be honest, it’s showing its age, as are we first generation users.
Legs. Billions of dollars and we get…legs?
We have stopped making sequels and started making prequels, and I’m honestly still sorting out my feelings about it. I watched The Rings of Power and it wasn’t very good, but I’ll probably keep watching. I haven’t touched House of the Dragon because I hated the fumbling of the ending of Game of Thrones that intensely.
YEAH, NO SHIT. Why do you think academics, therapists and (not for nothing) women and minorities have been screaming about this for as long as we have?
Elon and Twitter. What a nightmare. A joke that went too far? A self-own? A brilliant three dimensional chess move? (No, it’s not.) A massive blunder? A job no one wants and doesn’t know how to do? A mad whim from someone too rich for any kind of real world consequences for any of their actions? Congrats, my dude, you own the mess now.
This week all the tech billionaires lost billions and I am at peace with that.
And finally, your dark humour chuckle of the week: