How I learned to stop worrying and love smut
For a long time I’ve been trying to find a way to write and think about my experience of sexuality in the context of my religious upbringing. Once upon a time I had grandiose ideas about a good essay (or well constructed video essay), but for reasons of cowardice, shame, probably laziness, and a genuine sense of not even knowing where to start has kept the ambition on the back burner for years.
I’ve realised I will probably never be able to communicate about it in the way I want… It’s not a polished and tidy topic, and my experience is equally untidy.
So…let’s use a casual reference to Season 3 of Bridgerton (get hype!)) to Trojan Horse a trauma dump about Mormonism, female sexuality, unpicking shame, Goodreads, and how girls are socialised through media. ROMANCE IS FOR GIRLS GIRLS.