Weekend Links

Weekend Links

The links return in their NEW home, beloveds. Have some fabulous reading before the weekend winds down.


Long live the macaque matriarchy.

We keep loosing the greats we need most right now.

Let’s take a moment to appreciate the sheer human skill that goes into haute couture.

Another day, another confirmation that January 6th was just as bad as all the most frantic warnings said it was. And another day that I lose confidence that there will be any meaningful consequences for the people or parties involved. Which means that the inevitable next attempt is that much more likely to be effective.

When you want so badly to be Churchill but you can’t even manage Chamberlin. Watching the Tories fling Johnson into power to accomplish their dark desires (Brexit and anti-immigration) without having to get stink on themselves has been fascinating. You’d think it would be glaringly obvious that they would turn the moment he ceased being useful to them, and in what seems to be the latest in a long line of self-inflicted disasters, this week he’s been exposed for trying to blackmail his own party members to hold onto power. Machiavelli would FEAST on this incompetence if given half the chance.

At the risk of more exploitative capitalism, men deserve shiny celebratory jewelry too.

Oh look, catnip for Decadent Nationals!

And yes MORE Decadent National favoritism.

Oh Glossier, why do you have to be such a great example of exemplary marketing and drama-fueled decline? It’s like the fall of J.Crew all over agin.

I knew nothing about the history of this illustrator.

Think for two second about what it would mean to “choose damnation,” to genuinely and wholly believe that, and what that might mean for your personal and psychological stability. I don’t know a person who has walked away from religion, myself included, who didn’t have to confront this point of view. And I need more people to grapple with how horrible and painful and frightening a choice it is.

Can absolutely confirm this as a methodology.


Weekend Links

Weekend Links

This is probably a terrible idea