Weekend Links
I’m still trying to force myself back into the swing of blogging but it is uphill slogging! Apologies for the inadvertent rhyme. It turns out that I’ve become bad at a lot of things in recent months, including communicating and friendship. That might turn into its own meandering ramble, but I need to do some thinking about this first. In the meantime, please enjoy some weekend reading and viewing to get you through an unsettling bright and clear London weekend.
Yes. She did. (This entire piece is excellent, by the way.)
This taxonomy is actually pretty spot on. Late stage capitalism is wild.
Well damn, this is charming as hell!
So what’s going on with Brexit you ask? Well…
We live in the weirdest timeline, where everything is a crisis and we are simultaneously totally blasé about it all. It’s beyond dystopian.
Everyone is doing merch now…and I hate it.
This link is NSFW in the slightest, but also weirdly interesting. You have been warned.
Here, a literal palate cleanser for you.
And finally, I need to you block out two hours of time and watch this deep dive into NFTs. I’m serious.