Friday Links: the year is half over, have a COLOSSAL links list!

Friday Links: the year is half over, have a COLOSSAL links list!

Beloveds! My absence has not been in vain, I have been working on a writing concept and return to my blogging roots behind the scenes. More soon!

I have also been celebrating an anniversary, enjoying life with our dog, visiting friends in foreign cities, turning 37 and any number of other small pleasures. While not without its challenges, 2023 is still shaping up to be far better than most other years in recent memory.

How are we all feeling, kittens? Sound off for me in the comments or on social media. I delight to hear from you!

Charlie Warzel continues to be one of my favourite writers on the subject of digital life and work shifts, and his latest take for The Atlantic is no exception. The technicalities of AI development is fascinating and strange to follow, but in this piece explores the philosophical implications…which is vital thinking right now.

Speaking of digital life, for the love of god, enough apps!

IMPORTANT JOURNALISM: what was Peter’s “special cheese?”

There has been some shakeups at Conde Nast, and the news of British Vogue’s much revered EIC taking a new role has made waves. The take on this that has most resonated with me has been that of Jo Elvin, the former editor of Glamour on how print media continues to change in response to digital and “content” shifts more largely.

Fuelled by revenge.” We absolutely STAN these terrifying, murderous sea oreos.

Mother Nature is just waiting for the opportune moment to shake us all off like a bad case of the fleas. And we will deserve it.

I missed this article back in April but was delighted to be recommended it, as it is a delight.

Best o’ luck, Ms. Yaccarino. You have an unwinnable job.

Once again, Amanda Mull comes through with the consumer journalism I want to read: why making a good product isn’t enough anymore. Something something capitalism in its current form is unsustainable something.

This piece on the rise of the “tourdrobe” was such a fun read. No one does it better than Beyonce, and her latest tour looks have been amazing. I actually gasped the first time I saw photos of the gold and black bodysuit!

Yeah…this feels horribly, aggravatingly, simply correct. God damn it.

We haven’t had a good archaeology story in a while, let’s correct that failing!

Last month in Mormon news: science!

Just waiting for some brave “disruptor” to bundle a bunch of streaming services together and call it cable.

Watching women fall into file for the most patriarchal organisations has always frustrated and fascinated me, especially in religion. My own story of leaving Mormonism is intrinsically linked fundamentally to issues of gender and authority, and an utter rejection of patriarchal orders, so my point of view is often clouded by my experience. Seeing the latest tightening of the extremist girdle in other American denominations is both horribly understandable in our age of growing extremist performance, and horribly tragic to me. Mormon Feminist writers of the early 2000s had a term for this sort of thing: Chicken Patriarchy. When women are cut off from power and authority but at least the guys are “nice” about it.

And finally, a 100+ year old fashion perspective on gender bending. And why the moral panic has always been dumb.

*Waves sheepishly*

*Waves sheepishly*

Weekend Links: of kings and queens

Weekend Links: of kings and queens