Weekend Links

Weekend Links

Hey kittens, how was your (American) Thanksgiving? We had my father in town for a last minute holiday visit, and we are already pivoting to Christmas planning. Where the hell has this year gone?! Woof, we’ll dive into some deep reflection nearer the end of 2022, but in the meantime, let’s stick to our usual frivolity.

The next chapter in the J. Crew saga, perhaps?

We love a bit of Guam news.

Crypto, a drama in four acts.

I want nothing but good things for this - as far as anyone has claimed - sweet and kind person who is unpacking a lifetime of religious dogma and self-loathing.

What a profile!

Charlie Warzel’s reporting has been vital to following the various tech collapse dramas of fall and early winter. Elon is, indeed, very bad at this. (Another good read on the Twitter kerfuffle, and an excellent read on FTX.)

By the way, if you’re wondering why the hell everything in tech is going off the rails of late, a reminder: this version of the internet is between 30 and 50 years old now. And as for future predictions, I think this nuanced take is probably the most likely and/or correct.

God I love this weird, wild, wonderful city.

How to survive an apocalypse. Any kind of apocalypse!

Masculinity and all its performativity is endlessly fascinating to me.

See also, Boomer Nostalgia in all its forms.

Someone just put this man out to pasture and let us all rest. Give him a metaverse realm which adores him and hangs on his every word and let us get back to trying to deal with reality.

Don’t get it twisted, it really is about controlling cultural narratives and the “free speech” bros do not actually care about freedom. They care deeply about their own point of view retaining supremacy.

Beauty Empties for the year

Beauty Empties for the year

Five Things I Loved in October

Five Things I Loved in October